NV MFD-D850-132 Door Service Parts::Door Service Parts NV MFD-D850-132 Door Service Parts::Door Service Parts NV MFD-D850-132 Door Service Parts::Door Service Parts NV MFD-D850-132 Door Service Parts::Door Service Parts
NV MFD-D850-132 Door Service Parts::Door Service Parts


Precio habitual

Tambor de elevación vertical - 1" de diámetro 3/16" de cable/elevación máxima 11'

Price: $ 1,610.00 MXN

More Description for NV MFD-D850-132

Questions & Answers

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  • Do you carry the L-bracket that the sensor mounts on which looks across the duck plate?, if so please include a photo, thanks.

    The nice thing about the MFD-D850-132 is that its generic design allows it to work with a number of brands of doors.

    The downside of that is we can't determine which L-bracket you need for the sensor.  Also, some of the brackets we have are based on the sensor.
    If you could send us more information we can help you track it down.  Pictures are always helpful. :-)


  • Hello do you have any 3D (CAD) model of this part please https://partsbrite.com/products/nv-mfd-d850-132 ?

    We do not have any 3D models.

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